Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Trip Here: Part 2- Home Sweet Home Saturday, June 14, 2008


Rayne and Jett (5 and 3 years old) were *amazing* through all of this. They’re a lot like me, in that they become more giggly, giddy and goofy the more tired they get. So although I had to teach them the difference between bunny voices and lion voices (which are only for outside play), and although their joyful exclamations were heard throughout the plane many times, no doubt, they were unbelievably well behaved. People commented wherever we went on their cheerfulness and vivacity. They are a perfect joy to play and spend time with. The pictures tell it best :).
Honestly, the Delhi airport felt a lot like Kennedy or the Chicago airport. The only difference was that in the line to have our passports and visa’s checked, a mouse scurried from under one man’s desk/station to another. :) Welcome to India! That was really funny. Jon was there to meet us—praise God!—and we got to drive through the ever so fun and exciting Indian traffic to our extremely nice Hyatt Hotel (more on Indian Driving in future episode).

Below: The hotel

This morning we were up at 3:00am, because Jett and Rayne were wide awake :). Anna talked to them for a while, and when I was more awake, I invited everyone to my bed for a midnight party. Jon was still sleeping, so the kids, Anna and I cuddled up, by the light of my cell phone and told stories, made puppet shadows and played games. It will probably remain one of my fondest memories of the year.

Below: Delhi
This morning we flew into Nagpur. Below: the trip to the Delhi air-port

This (below) was the first thing we saw when we got off of the plain in Nagpur. These men and women were working outside of the airport.

Vijay and Sheetal, the couple that is caring for us while Jon trains Vijay for the business, met us at the airport and brought us to our new summer home. Our appartment is beautiful; so purposefully and affectionately prepared for us—a taste of what we’ll come home to in Heaven, when we see the homes Jesus has prepared for us :). They are a wonderful young couple with their first baby—a friendly little dumpling of seven months named Araav, (more on them later). Again, the pictures say it all. The bathroom and kitchen are really great :).

One of the most surprising things so far about India is how comfortable I feel here. Perhaps because it holds the same third-world feel of Lebanon; perhaps because of my love for "adventure" and new experiences; most likely because God planted a piece of India in my heart, unexpectedly, before I ever came. This promises to be a lovely trip. I am so grateful to God for bringing me here in His great love, wisdom and power, and can't wait to see all that He has in store. To Christ Jesus be all the glory.


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your experiences and for the photos, Jessica. I now have an idea of the place where you all are journeying, can even feel the heat. Rayne and Jett look happy and lovely, I wonder how they are adjusting to the changes.

Andra sends her love.

Love to all,
Jamie (Jon's dad).

Jessica said...

Thanks Jamie, I'm so glad you like it. :) Jon and everyone send their love to you and Andra; they're happy that you're reading the blog. Rayne and Jett have been doing very well, especially this week. They played imaginary games all day today, and just had a great time. Anna mentioned that it felt so much like home today. I'll be doing a post about all of their games soon, God willing :). God bless you!

~Jessica Chamaline M.